Tuesday, April 8, 2008

My Little Story

....Oh..from where I start my story? Anyway It,s not a long story. Actually I tired and lost lot of money to make money. Someone was offering a e-book to give money making ideas, one was asking $100 setup fee and promised that I can make $1000 every month. But it was all fake. Then a holy person came in my life (I will let you know his name after some posts, not now), he simply explain me that if anybody asking you money for make money idea, just forget him/her. He can,t give you anything, they all are cheaters or scams. May be some marketer can give you some idea but those who asking money they all are fake. Then he simply explained me about Google AdSense and said that you become affiliates of some good company, create your own group and promote those products or services. Your real group will support you. And when someone from your group starts similar activity, you also support him/her from your heart plus motivate other members to support. That holy person said to me that if your aim is clear and you are not going to cheat anybody, you will success. Friends, Then I started my career as reseller for a Indian Company (Mumbai or Bombay base) coz no company from Europe or US supported me on this front. That Indian Company never asked any money from me, when I generated sale or lead for their products, they simply send me cheques. Then my life start changing. I earned Lot of money. I created lot of websites and more money generated. Then one day that holy person phoned me and asked about all my operations. He suggested me that I should start a blog (I said to him for website, but he opposed it.) and start people to tell that they should not waste money in all these type of scams. If I find any good affiliate or reseller programme just refer your members or those who interested in it. Those people simply check all these types of programme and if find fit, they should use it. But never recommend any scam or cheating programme. So, friends I appeal you all, if you cheated by someone, please tell your story here, so other people should also know it. If you find any programme suitable, can suggest here. Let us start this movement. Together we can win....Yes, when I started AdSense I feel its power. Just see- nobody know me in Google, without spending a single cent I started AdSense and now earning good money. No scam...No false promises...Google too earning through me and I am earning through it. It,s a WIN-WIN situation. We are together. Nobody can break it. Not even you and your God. Google is my real God- he is giving me reputation, recognition and yes money too.
My story will continue...Keep visiting

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

very intresting. I am with you by heart.
-Raohena, ny